Key in Europe

For the first time in my life, I traveled over seas. I spent a lot of time day dreaming about going to Europe and finally made it a reality. A lot of thanks goes to my dear friend Adam Kammin who let me stay with him while I was in London. Other than that I traveled alone to Paris and Amsterdam and met quite a few lovely new people. There's nothing like being in a very new place where you know not a single soul. I walked for miles and miles unsure of who I would cross paths with or what exactly I would see. Every day I was amazed by the culture, architecture, and the people. 

This is just a small glimpse at my adventures and travels throughout London United Kingdom, Paris France, & Amsterdam Netherlands.

To see more photos search #keyineurope on instagram.


London, United Kingdom

London, United Kingdom

Tower Bridge at Tower of London

Tower Bridge at Tower of London

The Louvre

The Louvre

London 5.jpg
seeing the Mona Lisa is a performance piece

seeing the Mona Lisa is a performance piece

on top of the Eiffel Tower

on top of the Eiffel Tower

flea market in Versailles

flea market in Versailles

palace of Versailles

palace of Versailles

self portrait in the garden of Versailles

self portrait in the garden of Versailles





had to try Dutch Pancakes in Holland, of course

had to try Dutch Pancakes in Holland, of course

Amsterdam 6.jpg


back in London

back in London

my favourite british boy

my favourite british boy



Lizzy and I on a swing ride

Lizzy and I on a swing ride



British Family

British Family

flying home

flying home



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